I’m a Phoenix, Bitch by Bryony Kimmings

One of the UK’s most significant performance-makers, Bryony Kimmings, returns to Australia for Sydney Festival in January 2020.  

I’m a Phoenix, Bitch is Bryony’s masterpiece about motherhood, heartbreak and finding inner strength. She combines personal stories with epic film and original pop songs, in a powerful, dark and joyous tour de force.

Ever sunk so deep you felt like you might never make it up for air?

In 2016, Bryony nearly drowned. Postnatal breakdowns, an imploding relationship and an extremely sick child left her sitting beneath the waves hoping she could slowly turn to shell.

Three years later and she is able to deal with life again. Who do we become after trauma? How do we turn pain into power? How do we fly instead of drown?

Tonight, a new legend will be created – an invincible and fearless woman.


14 to 17 January 2020
Sydney Opera House
Book your tickets via Sydney Festival .

★★★★★ “Bryony Kimmings’ deeply personal show is an exhilarating ride via pop video, horror movie, art installation and therapy session… A double inspiration and a testimony both to human resilience and the healing properties of art.” – The Guardian