Applications have now closed
Peer Mentoring
Australian and UK based arts professionals from the creative sector will form a cohort who will support each other through ongoing peer mentorship over the course of nine months.
Participants will create individual objectives and an action plan for the nine-month period. The focus of the peer mentoring will be on further developing and facilitating each of the participant’s individual vision.
Knowledge Exchange
The cohort will travel between the UK and Australia to share experiences, their working context and best practice with their peers. This could include shadowing work, meeting with artists and institutions, seeing work and/or participating in workshops.
The knowledge exchange includes two days together on a joint programme of activities, and “hosted” days by a local member of the cohort. On “host” days the participant will share their practice and context with the cohort, and to help create an itinerary for the day that will support the development of the visitor’s vision.
The British Council and Diversity Arts Australia will also use their networks to facilitate contacts throughout the visit.