David Farmer, FameLab 2015 runner-up, with throphy

2015 RUNNER-UP: David Farmer

The Florey Institute of Neuroscience

David Farmer is a neuroscientist who studies the brainstem, where some of the most ancient and life-essential functions of the brain are carried out. One hindrance to effectively studying the brainstem is that brain cells are numerous, very close together and remarkably squishy. David's FameLab presentation explained how researchers, like himself, are getting around this problem with the use of lasers.


Watch David's performance at the national final in Perth.

Kiara Bruggeman, FameLab 2015 "people's choice" winner, with trophy

2015 PEOPLE'S CHOICE WINNER: Kiara Bruggeman

Australian National University

Kiara Bruggeman is an engineer studying stem cells. Bruggeman's FameLab presentation explained her research on damaged cells within the human body, which exist within a watery matrix that gives them support and instructions - and how, by manufacturing nanoscale materials with similar physical, chemical, and biological properties of this matrix, we can trick stem cells into thinking that they should become healthy brain cells.


Watch Kiara's presentation at the national final in Perth.