British artist Rachel Gadsden will deliver a keynote speech at the Arts Activated 2019 Conference, Australia’s leading disability arts forum.
Rachel Gadsden, who has just unveiled a major new work in Paris commissioned by FIFA for the 2019 Women’s World Cup, will be the opening plenary speaker at the conference which aims to help fast track the process of making arts and culture more accessible for the 18% of Australians who live with a disability or who are Deaf.
Arts Activated 2019 Conference
Arts Activated is one of Australia’s leading forums for making arts and culture in Australia more accessible for artists and audiences with disability or who are Deaf.
Produced by Accessible Arts – NSW’s peak arts and disability organisation – the biennial event attracts up to 250 artists, arts workers, disability advocates and researchers as well as relevant decision makers across the government, cultural and events sectors.
Dates: Thursday 22 and Friday 23 August 2019
Location: Waterview at Bicentennial Park, Sydney Olympic Park