Two orphaned brothers embark on a desperate road trip across Europe in search of a place to call home. With their tiny inheritance stitched into their clothes, they brave hazardous sea crossings and bustling train stations, the menace of strangers and the constant threat of violence, in a heart-wrenching story of terror, hope and survival.
Vox Motus' adaptation of Caroline Brother's novel Hinterland is a theatrical realisation unlike any you've witnessed: take a seat in a private booth as your window opens to reveal the tiny figures who will enact this tale. This is your gateway into a diorama that unfolds as a sequence of exquisitely fashioned frames passing by, detailing this continent-crossing journey in crystalline detail.
Like a graphic novel in three dimensions or live theatre snap-frozen into discrete moments, Flight is both a gripping tale of little boys lost and an astonishing feat of artistic imagination.
By turns unsettling and uplifting, its miniature storytelling is a distillation of the largest and most urgent of contemporary stories facing us today.
Flight in Australia
Melbourne International Arts FestivalÂ
5 - 21 October
Arts Centre Melbourne