Tuesday 13 May 2014 -
18:00 to 23:59

FameLab – new science, live on stage

Excitement mounts as the national final for the British Council’s new science prize, FameLab, draws closer. Following five state heats, 12 early-career researchers will converge on Fremantle’s West Australian Maritime Museum, where they will each ‘’perform’ their scientific research in front of a live audience. They can use props, costumes, song and dance, but no PowerPoint or jargon allowed!

Topics covered in the final include, ‘Cannibalistic cancer’, ‘Killer bees looking for a tree near you!’ and ‘Worm Spit, how it hurts and heals’. To see these talks and more, join the British Council for a fun and free evening of science on Tuesday 13 May. Click here for event details and to book your spot. 


FameLab is presented in Australia by British Council, Fresh Science and the Times Cheltenham Science Festival.